Embrace Awkwardness with Anna Faris in 'This Is Awkward' Audiobook

Anna Faris, the popular actress and podcaster, brings humor, honesty, and practical advice to her book 'This Is Awkward', now available as an engaging audiobook. Explore the world of awkwardness with Anna as she shares personal stories and insights on navigating cringeworthy situations with grace and authenticity. Whether it's dating mishaps, social blunders, or embarrassing moments, Anna's witty narration will have you laughing and learning along the way. 'This Is Awkward' is not just a book - it's a companion for anyone who's ever felt a little out of place. Dive into this refreshing blend of humor and wisdom that will make you embrace your awkwardness and celebrate your unique self. Click below to listen to 'This Is Awkward' and over 900,000 more audiobooks for free for 30 days without commitments or restrictions on Halvinhinta.com!


This Is Awkward

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This Is Awkward

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The website encountered an unexpected error. Try again later.
Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'halvinhinta_dr72.drqo_ultimate_cron_log' doesn't exist: SELECT "l".* FROM "drqo_ultimate_cron_log" "l" WHERE ("l"."name" = :db_condition_placeholder_0) AND ("l"."log_type" IN (:db_condition_placeholder_1)) ORDER BY "l"."start_time" DESC, "l"."end_time" DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0; Array ( [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => announcements_feed_cron [:db_condition_placeholder_1] => 0 ) in Drupal\ultimate_cron\Plugin\ultimate_cron\Logger\DatabaseLogger->load() (line 235 of modules/contrib/ultimate_cron/src/Plugin/ultimate_cron/Logger/DatabaseLogger.php).
Drupal\ultimate_cron\Plugin\ultimate_cron\Logger\DatabaseLogger->load('announcements_feed_cron', NULL, Array) (Line: 542)
Drupal\ultimate_cron\Entity\CronJob->loadLatestLogEntry() (Line: 60)
Drupal\ultimate_cron\UltimateCron->run() (Line: 70)
Drupal\ultimate_cron\ProxyClass\UltimateCron->run() (Line: 65)
Drupal\automated_cron\EventSubscriber\AutomatedCron->onTerminate(Object, 'kernel.terminate', Object)
call_user_func(Array, Object, 'kernel.terminate', Object) (Line: 111)
Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher->dispatch(Object, 'kernel.terminate') (Line: 115)
Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->terminate(Object, Object) (Line: 63)
Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\StackedHttpKernel->terminate(Object, Object) (Line: 688)
Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->terminate(Object, Object) (Line: 22)